Dr. Otakar Kudrna

Otakar Kudrna was born in 1939 in Budweis (Bohemia). He is an author of more than 50 originally publications about taxonomy, zoogeography, ecology and themes about protecting nature. He was employed as scientist at several European countries and made impulse to found the "Gesellschaft für Schmetterlingsschutz (GfS)".

General: Otakar Kudrna has a name for one of the most leading entomologists all over Europe. But not only the scientific part meets his interest, he is also an enthusiastic photographer of butterflies. He exclusively makes photos without any use of flashlight, so he uses a more sensitive slide material (ISO 200).
Currently he is working at a very interesting project: Mapping European Butterflies. If you would like to know more about that project you should visit his homepage.

Own Homepage: Mapping European Butterflies

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Dr. Otakar Kudrna is photographing the
Moorland Clouded Yellow  (Colias palaeno).

Here is a small selection of Dr. Kudrna's butterfly photos: (more will follow)
(click on the images to enlarge)

elisa_kl.jpg (31135 Byte) Argynnis elisa (GODART, 1823)

Sardinia, Italy

Hipparchia leighebi KUDRNA, 1976

Isole Eolie, Sicily, Italy

leighebi_kl.jpg (24928 Byte)
iduna_kl.jpg (20880 Byte)

Euphydryas iduna (DALMAN, 1816)

July 1998, Lapland / Sweden

email to Dr. Otakar Kudrna:

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Send your comments or suggestions to the Webmaster of EuropeanButterflies.com

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